Friday, October 2, 2009

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, the heart of Argentina, is one of the most popular destination in Latin America.
It is famous for its cultural and architectural heritage, shopping, food and of course, tango. You can see the cultural and architectural heritage in old neighborhoods such as San Telmo with its cobblestone streets and don't forget the brightly colored spot called La Boca, which is a memorabilia. It is where all old town houses were transformed into memorabilia stores, and there is something fun to buy in every store you go. I had lots of fun in La Boca, because it was so unique, colorful and full of life. For those who are veggies, Buenos Aires is not a very good place to visit because it is considered to have the best beef in the world. The beef are DELICIOUS, I personally thought Buenos Aires' beefs were fascinating although Brazil's beefs are good as well. To go with the beef, Buenos Aires is also known to have one of the best wines because it is the fifth largest wine producer in the world. Tango is the perfect exercise to get rid of everything you ate. Buenos Aires is the home of the beautiful, complicated and interesting dance called Tango. For all of you interested in learning how to dance, Buenos Aires offers several places where tourists can learn the basics of tango. But there is also presentations you can watch if you are not much of a dancer. I think the dance tango is very different and beautiful but too complicated, which is why I didn't even dare to try. A place that you should definitely visit when you are in Buenos Aires is the Iguazu Falls, one of the worlds natural wonders. The endless waterfall is located on the border of Argentina and Brazil, so you can actually see people from Brazil in Argentina. I thought that was so fun, it was interesting how two distinct countries met in one place. It is also the same fall featured in one of the Bond movies for being so big and wonderful. DON'T forget to go on a boat ride right underneath the waterfall!! You're going to get soaked but it's worth it!
There is something for everyone to enjoy, whether it is exploring, eating or dancing. I thought it was a very entertaining country and many other people enjoyed it too.

1 comment:

Ida Palmgren said...

Buenos Aires is a great city. The shopping
is great there I really like your photo!